Member-only story
4 Techniques for Developing a Positive Mindset
I was out on a bike ride with my husband. Tired and grumpy from training for an upcoming race, I was more negative than usual. My husband noticed I was having a hard time shaking it. He reminded me about how developing a positive mindset would help my riding. Too often people tend to give up just because something is hard.
I will admit my initial reaction wasn’t very kind. But once I calmed down, I stopped to analyze what kind of story I was telling myself. I looked at how it was affecting my attitude, and what changes I needed and wanted to make.
The next day we went out to ride again and rather than vocalize any of my negative thoughts I replaced them with positive ones. I’m getting stronger. My body is healthy. Instead of looking for results that were missing I found ones that were a blessing.
A single footstep will not make a path on the earth. So a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives. –Hendry David Thoreau
Creating a positive mindset isn’t easy and is usually uncomfortable. It means taking a step outside of yourself and looking at your thoughts objectively. As with any desire, if you want it bad enough and are…