How to Get Unstuck with Your Goals this Year

Lori Jackson
7 min readDec 31, 2018

What do you think about new years resolutions?

For years it felt kind of like I was throwing darts at a moving target. My hopes and aspirations either didn’t stick or I was stuck trying to move to the next step. Have you ever felt that way?

Why do we set goals, anyway? Is it just because it’s the thing to do, or are we looking to make changes and become better?

Our goals are too important just to let them slide, but for a goal to stick it needs to be more than an item to check off a to-do list. Gaining traction to make progress is simpler than you think. There are proven strategies to help get you unstuck with your goals and moving towards becoming the person you want to be.

My husband often refers to the small hinge effect. If you think of the movement you see within a hinge, it doesn’t seem to amount to very much. But if you look at the end of the door and the total motion a small hinge can make there is a big difference. Goal setting is about finding the right hinge so you can make significant changes.

Getting Unstuck with Your Goals

S.M.A.R.T goals are often discussed when it comes to getting unstuck with your goals. They are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. My favorite resource for…



Lori Jackson

Tandem biker, lemon lover, and wisdom searcher. You can follow Lori’s writing by subscribing below.