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Mind the Gap: Stumbling Blocks or Stepping Stones
Each time we’ve traveled to London, I’ve loved maneuvering my way through the city using their underground transit system — The Tube. The captivating announcement with a quaint British accent reminds riders to “Mind the Gap” before entering or exiting the train. These three simple words bring new meaning to how we should all proceed on our journey.
Sometimes there was a visible gap between where the platform started and the train ended or a step up or down to the platform. To me, these gaps represented the various stumbling blocks we can fall captive to if we are not mindful as we move along in life.
Stumbling Blocks
A stumbling block is an “obstacle or impediment,” which if we are not intentional, can trip us up or cause us to lose our footing. Life is full of these impediments, and being aware can sometimes help us avoid them.
Here are a few gaps to be mindful of
As I’ve considered the phrase “mind the gap,” I’ve come up with a few stumbling blocks that can impede our growth.
- Grief and fear can paralyze us from taking action, making choices, and living our life.
- The most important things seem insurmountable when we are caught up in busyness, become overly tired, or allow…